MSERM Diploma in Senior Clinical Embryology – DSCE


A.» Modality: Attend in person
B.» Duration: 2 Years
C.» Certificate: MSERM Medical Society
D.» Dedication: 400 Hours
E.» Schedule: at your own pace
F.» CPD Credits 40
G.» Exams: Theoretically at the training center and practically at the online exam center.

Fees for MSERM Diploma: Senior Clinical Embryology I: 4000 Euros

Details here:

A. First year: 3000 euros
B.Second year: 1000 euros + 50 euros diploma course fees
C.Diploma copy fee: 50 euros
D. Residence fee for the general practitioner: 3,900 euros (You are free to choose your residence from our association or elsewhere…)
E.Residence card fees in Morocco Duration of study: 200 euros (mandatory).

Course Name: MSERM Diploma in Senior Clinical Embryology (DSCE)

Clinical Embryology is a rapidly developing branch of reproductive science that started with the birth of the first test tube baby in 1978 and is now recognized as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

Embryologists are practitioners who provide complex, regulated laboratory techniques that allow identifying the cause of infertility at the acellular level by analyzing the gametes, processing of gametes, isolating and culture of embryos, etc., which form the backbone of treatment modalities for infertile couples.

LABOMAC LABS & IRIFIV CENTRE is one of the very few centers in the country to offer a full-time 2-years program in Embryology.

The learning process uses a mix of various methodologies including interactive lectures, small group learning, seminars and assignments, demonstrations, laboratory rotations, hands-on training on lab equipment, and dissertations.

Eligibility: Master’s degree in life sciences, Zoology, biochemistry, microbiology, applied microbiology, biotechnology, genetics, molecular biology, Clinical Embryology, Ph.D, MBBS, MD, BDS, BVSc

Certificate: Yes

The students are expected to achieve the following core competencies through this program:

I.- Reproductive Genetics
II.-  Andrology labs
III.- Embryology & ART
IV.- Gamete and Embryo – Cryopreservation
V.- Laser Hatching and – Biopsy
VIII.- Semen Analysis
IX.- Trouble Shooting
X. – Setting up a Lab
XI.- Quality Control
XII.- Research.

At the end of the program, the participant will be well-versed with

A.- Freezing techniques
B.- Instruments handling
C.- Data analysis
D.- Culture creation
E.- Embryo transfer technique.

Objectives Overview of the “SIG-E” Embryology:

i.To organize and promote educational activities, and disseminate the latest high-quality research related to Clinical Embryology for Reproductive Scientists and Clinical Embryologists
ii. To promote, support, and develop the profession of Clinical Embryology
iii.To contribute to the development of the MSERM Certification for Embryologists
iv.To develop and update sources of knowledge for embryologists (e.g. the online Workshop of Embryology)
v.To support young researchers, embryologists, practitioners, and all those with an interest in Clinical Embryology in their development and career path

To date, the SIG has focussed on organizing Pre-congress Courses and Workshops in embryology, developing a SIG-E of embryology, producing consensus guidelines for laboratories in clinical embryology, and setting up a Certification for Embryologists. These have been valuable contributions to the community of clinical embryologists.

The Chairman SIG-E embryology board

Dr. Noureddine LOUANJLI – Morocco 

You can download the diploma course program here….. SOON