Dr. Ritu SANTWANI – India
Member of the Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine
Graduation from M.B.B.S – G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur M.D (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), KingGeorge’s Medical College, Lucknow F.I.C.O.G, FICOG, FIAOG, AMRCOG, ART-Singapore Honorary professor Obs & Genec-VIMS Medical college, Garjula – India Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR).

Member of the Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine
Embryologist, graduated from University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, with a MMedSci degree in assisted reproductive technology.BSc in biomedical sciences. The founder of the MEEI society. Beside of working as operation manager and healthcare specialist at Sustainary Health.

Dr. Modou Mamoune MBAYE – Senegal
Member of the Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine
Graduated from the faculty of sciences Ain-Chock of Casablanca (Morocco).Bachelor’s degree in plant biotechnologie, Master’s dégrée in physiology cellular and Molecular Biologie and Doctorate in cellular and Molecular biology.Doctoral Research Associate at the fertility center Irifiv a rsearcher in the Scientifi Research Group – Dakar Senegal.

Dr. Muhjah FALAH – Iraq
Member of the Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine
MD. Lecturer at Kerbala University /college of medicine/Iraq. Had a degree of master of science in clinical embryology and assisted reproductive techniques/PhD in infertility and clinical reproduction from high institue for infertility diagnosis and assisted reproductive techniques. Had many publication in different scientific journals. Trained at fertility center /al Sadr Medical City/Al-Najaf AL-Ashraf /Iraq.

Dr. Ferhat CENGIZ – Turkey
Member of the Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine
Graduating from Istanbul University Biology Department, completed his master’s degree in Histology and Embryology at Trakya University. Msc. Ferhat Cengiz is Head of IVF laboratuvary of Göztepe Medicalpark Hospital, a research center in the İstanbul Country in Turkey specializing in in vitro fertilisation research and embriyology technologies. Formerly he was also Head of the Department of Embriyology different IVF Centers. During this time he has investigated in sperm cell morphology, having an ample and multidisciplinary view of Round spermatid enjection research.

As. Prof. Hayder Mossa – Iraq
Member of the Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine
He is an Assistant Professor in Reproductive Physiology and Laboratory Assisted Reproductive Technologies(ART’s) at Al-Nahrain University-High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and ART’s.
A Lecturer,trainer and supervisor for many academic degrees(postgraduates):Ph.D. in Clinical Infertility & Reproduction,M.Sc. Applied Embryology,High Diploma (equivalent to M.Sc. degree) in Clinical Infertility and ART’s and training Fellowship in Infertility and IVF.
He is also a member of the Iraqi Fertility Society(IFS) -Clinical Embryology & Medical Laboratories Committee.
In addition to that Dr.Mossa worked as Laboratory ART’s Specialist & Scientific Consultant for some Fertility & IVF centers in Baghdad -IRAQ.