Welcome to the site of the Special Interest Group for Andrology (SIGA), one of the larger SIGs in MSERM with more than 200 members.
The specific interests of the SIG Andrology are: male infertility evaluation and diagnosis; sperm function, physiology and biology; sperm freezing and banking, male prognostic biomarkers of success in ART; enhancement of reproductive outcomes acting on the male and/or the sperm; male infertility and the effects of ART to treat them in the offspring.
Objectives Overview of the “SIG-A” Andrology:
Promote scientific/clinical Andrology within MSERM and other scientific societies by engaging researchers to exchange knowledge, enabling networking and collaboration to promote joined projects, education, and debate
Contribute to the improvement of the quality of services provided by andrology laboratories/practitioners, via education, training and consensus guidelines development
Increase awareness and interest in Andrology by organizing meetings, precongress courses or sessions in the main MSERM meeting on relevant topics
Impulse the collaboration with other SIGs concerning related topics
To serve the executive committee and scientific committee of MSERM, defining meetings’ sessions, topics and speakers, selecting reviewers, referees and chairmen
To provide expert advice to the lay public concerning Andrology related topics