Welcome to the section dedicated to the Special Interest Group (SIG-E) Embryology
The SIG Embryology is home to the central scientific concepts upon which MSERM is founded. The broad scope of SIG-E Embryology encompasses basic scientific advances through to laboratory practices and policy influence. The areas of interest of SIG-E include oocyte growth and maturation, in vitro models of follicle culture, fertilization, embryo development, embryo metabolism, embryo culture, oocyte and embryo micromanipulation, embryo assessment, oocyte and embryo cryopreservation as well as quality control and optimization of methods in the embryology laboratory. These areas are the primary interest for many MSERM members who are interested in the present and future developments of clinical embryology.
Objectives Overview of the “SIG-E” Embryology:
To organize and promote educational activities, and disseminate the latest high quality research related to Clinical Embryology for Reproductive Scientists and Clinical Embryologists
To promote, support and develop the profession of Clinical Embryology
To contribute to the development of the MSERM Certification for Embryologists
To develop and update sources of knowledge for embryologists an (e.g. the online Workshop of Embryology)
To support young researchers, embryologists, practitioners and all those with an interest in Clinical Embryology in their development and career path
To date, the SIG has focussed on organising Precongress Courses and Workshops in embryology, developing an SIG-E of embryology, producing consensus guidelines for laboratories in clinical embryology and setting up a Certification for Embryologists. These have been valuable contributions to the community of clinical embryologists.
The Chairman SIG-E embryology board
Dr. Noureddine LOUANJLI – Morocco